1. ​@jimmyc9095 you off by a lot I weight 320lbs I’m sure that big cat gotta be over 600lbs😂😂😂😂

    1. I’d keep that critter well fed. He’s a bit oral, iykwim. Too much fake bitey; might turn into real bitey when hungry.

    2. @@xvii7718of course if you’re gonna keep a pet lion you ha e to establish dominance and spank or hit it to correct it from time to time. Are you kidding me? Not that I think they make great pets at all. You animal lovers are seriously delusional people!

  1. Could you imagine being stoned playing video games with your buddy and then all the sudden his pet lion walks in.

  2. Plot twist: Those guys actually don’t know where the lion came from, but they were too high to be scared

    1. “….goes back to factory setting” 👏😂👏 I can’t imagine there will be a more perfect response to this (stupid) video & these (STUPID!) guys!!! 🏆🏆🏆👏🎉👏🔥
      This reminds me of another – stupid – guy who felt he was a family member to bears out in the wild. He took absurd chances in getting very close to the bears to get what he thought were the perfect pictures. (I guess he’d never heard of the telephoto lens 😳) Then, one day, he (& his girlfriend I believe?) was attacked & eaten by a bear(s?). The thought of it is horrific…& it is tragic. My heart goes out to his family & loved ones. But, it’s not shocking. They’re wild animals! As is this lion! These guys are playing Russian roulette with this lion. Not to mention, (but, I’m gonna mention it) this gorgeous beast should be out in the wild living his best life!! Not locked up in this house/cage with these two idiots!! (I tried so hard not to say that, but, it’s appropriate in this case…no??)


    1. Same, the lion belongs in the wild not in a house with these two numbskulls playing video games. Wrong on every level and yes, I’m being judgmental.

    1. This lion does, but it’s not living with them, or in a tiny house – they clearly arranged to film with a trained lion that has a handler (who’s nearby, off camera I’m sure). This vid for sure, and seems like this whole channel, is just an attempt to go viral and get cash for views. Here: it clearly worked, as 30 million views = at least $30k – and and it’ll just keep getting views now, thus generating passive income per month, like getting royalties. Let’s say it gets another 3 million views this month: that = at least $3k.

      I’m sure they arranged to get this lion on camera via their handler, who prob rents the lion out for film/advertising work for their own income. So, unless they know the person personally, it probably cost them a few thousand, but the investment clearly paid off here, lol. I personally prefer attempts to go viral that don’t involve rented near-apex predators, but that’s just me 😅.

    2. You seem like the person to say that if a person slapped a dog after it tried to bite them

    1. They are Not comfortable, you can feel the uneasy vibe all over this video…They were pushing him away all the time which I would do too…I don’t want to be its snack of the day…Crazy what people do for online views…

    2. @elenashubert3656 they were pushing it away bc they were trying to play the game. But yes u could see the nervousness of being around it

    3. No – they clearly didn’t. What they did do, is either paid someone maybe a few thousand, or better yet knew someone through connections that rents this lion out for film/advertising work, that actually has raised or worked with it extensively. It obviously doesn’t live in some little, average house with a couple of gamer bros, like people in comments seem to actually think (it wouldn’t be possible, and it’d go insane, and kill both of them).

      If it cost them a few thousand – oh well – from that initial investment, they got 30 million views, which per YT’s pay scheme, would mean (at least) $30k in income, so far. It’ll just keep generating revenue now that it’s got so many views the algorithm has latched onto it, so if they can manage to get even 1 or 2 million more views per month, that = at least $1 or 2k/month in passive income. This is probably why they’re uneasy here and there’s tension in the air as many have noted, but hey – if someone offered me $30k plus at least $1k/month (or ~$12k/year) in income from then onward to hang on camera with a lion for 1 min while its handler was nearby, and it had no record of hurting anyone yet? Yep, I’d do it – would just be sh*tting myself for the ~60 secs, lol

  3. Imagine being born to roam open jungles and having to scooch in a small place with furniture. Worst life ever😢

    1. It’s funny how people assume they know what all animals want. Did this specific lion tell you it wants to live on the savannah? They don’t roam jungles for one, they aren’t tigers and for two, humans were born to roam the lands too but they stopped. You know why? Most animals just want to live comfortably, that is it. First and foremost anyway.

      There are plenty of outdoor cats, but there are many indoor cats too that could care less or even hate to go outside.

      There are varying personalities you know. You don’t know this lion’s mental state so why are you trying to sit there and act like you know everything he wants?

    2. @@aridadventure5018 Wouldn’t peta advocate against this? Your own statement doesn’t even make sense because peta would re-acquisition this animal not support two dudes with one in their living room.

      Nice try though, just use your brain next time if you want to troll bait.

    1. If you think that’s wild, wait til you see the news reporter’s face as he searches for the words to describe what that lion did to them

  4. Any animal raised by humans develops a bond with those humans and is unlikely to hurt them. To this lion, these men are a part of its pride. The chance of them being attacked is slim but exists. Same with dogs, horses and other less potent domesticated animals, but the lion’s attack in this situation is accentuated because it is a wild animal and it is so strong that an attack most certainly will result in loss of life. All animals have a beautiful and loving place in their hearts for whoever raised them.

    1. What about those two guys who raised white tigers and went all round the world on stage with them. One of the tigers killed one of the guys

    2. ​@@oceansunset6147 To be clear, I am strictly against keeping these kinds of animals as pets. But in that case, that was likely a very stressful life for the tigers, which would drastically increase the odds of a tragic accident like that.

    3. e@@oceansunset6147they could have been abusive or the sniffle weren’t happy being show and tell objects. If thy were shown off as some sort of display then that’s probs y. Most of those type of ppl mistreat the animals into behaving.

    1. And they belong in the wild….for everyone’s sake, especially the lions.
      It’s a beautiful animal & it’s remarkable how these animals can adapt when they no longer have to compete for mates, territory or resources.
      Even a dog that has been selectively bred to high heaven are unpredictable to some degree. This things mother probably had to kill to survive…as neat and novel this is as a pet…there’s no planet on which this could be worth the risk.

  5. Yet if the lion made a value meal out of them, somehow we’re still expected to give a moment of silence and 21 gun salute 😢

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