Best Selling Video Games 1979 – 2020

This data visualization video shows the best selling video games since 1979. It includes all their ports for newer systems such as for Super Mario Bros for the Wii, Wii U, etc. It does not include Free-to-Play video games, I will include those in a different video.

For top selling I selected those with 1 million in sales units for the first few years, then those with 5 million in sales for the next few years, then 10 million, etc. This was to avoid crowding the chart and to avoid adding games that don't even peek out for a single year.

These stats come from Wikipedia, articles and from Google Books searches. Some of the data includes approximate numbers as the data available skipped years.

In the video I included quick clips of how the games looked.


  1. What makes a successful game?
    “Perfect Graphics!” “Masterpiece Storytelling!” “Unforgettable Character Arcs!”
    Tetris: Blocks? I’m pretty sure its blocks.
    Minecraft: Its definitely blocks.

    1. It’s the combination❕can’t you see👀👍Not just blocks, the magic is in the colored blocks❤️😃✅ yeah that’s the winning🏅 combination 😁

    1. Yeah, the secret recipe is not just blocks ❕✅ it’s colored 📙📘📗📕📔 blocks👍😃♥️

    1. Our houses and apartments are blocks
      Our pcs and consoles are blocks
      Our shipments, papers, engines… All blocks.

  2. proves my theory that people don’t want realistic games, they want fun games. unless it’s made by rockstar

    1. I do love the end shot. all these fun, cheerful, family friendly games with colourful visuals and quirky soundtracks. then in the middle of all that GTA V and Red Dead II just lurking feeling sadistic and depressive

    2. Rockstar is making mind-blowing games GTA V , Red dead , Bully these games are amazing . I really want them to make Bully 2 .

  3. It’s pretty incredible how long it actually takes for any modern era games to catch up with the classics.

    1. It’s a matter of supply and demand, before there were less options therefore it was easier for a good tittle to thrive, on the opposite side today there are tons of good and bad games released every month all competing for the costumer’s attention and money, and most people don buy more than couple games every 3 months or so.

  4. Tetris was holding off everything and the Minecraft just absolutely flew up in popularity, I’m addicted to these videos 😂

  5. I remember as a 14-year old in 1983 getting $1.00 a week allowance. Almost every week I’d spend it on five games of Defender (the arcade game) at the local shop. Then one of my friends got an Amstrad computer with the game Mars-Port and I was blown away…

    1. Similar to my first VR experience. It’s amazing how every generation has such beautiful moments regardless of technology

    2. In the mid 90s I’d use my money I work for when I was 10-12, I’d go to the local bowling alley, where they had 40 video arcade games, a McDonald’s was connected , $5 and I could stay there for 8 hours at least , with 2 meals eaten

    3. In late 1983 I would have been 7 and my first introduction to videos games was when I got a Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 2 for Christmas, although it wasn’t an Atari or Commodore it was good enough. I had a lot of fun on that coco 2.

  6. i looooooove these videos!!!!! I always find myself sat watching them and commentating like Im watching Formula 1 or The Grand National lol

  7. Super Mario Bros & GTA Vice City, I think it’s been very influential in the evolution of games. No wonder they are still popular today. They are legends.

  8. Them best selling games back in 1979 to 2020 is so amazing to found out about and nice video man :]

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