How to ruin video games for yourself…

Baffles me that people spoil video games like hollow knight for themselves


End screen music: Game Chops Zelda and chill: Song of storms


#TheStellarJay #Gaming #HollowKnight #Silksong

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  1. 1. The discord giveaway is over! The song was サニーボーイ・ラプソディ (Sonny boy Rhapsody), congrats to the winner!
    2. Blurred certain sections because I’m an idiot and spoiled them while saying you should play them without spoilers.

  2. Remember when the Hollow Knight community all simultaneously agreed that sacrificing Mossbag was the only way to appease Team Cherry and make them release Silksong?
    Those were some funny times

    1. @@therookiegamer2727 I’d ask wtf happened in the piss wars but
      It almost sounds like I don’t wanna know

  3. “Do yourself a favour and play them completely blind” proceeds to immediately put up a visual spoiler for DDLC

    1. That wasn’t spoiling anything though, except maybe that the game isn’t just a cute dating game. But if you couldn’t figure that out from “Psycholgical Horror” then that’s on you tbh

    2. @@scarabdust As he mentions in the video, without looking into it you wouldn’t know WHY it has the psychological horror tag. The visual effects are a huge contributor to the vibe of the game, so spoiling that aspect is still a spoiler.

    3. @@quoipi You still don’t really learn anything from that screencap other than “well, the game gets a little dark and scary.” Which again, you probably could have gleaned from the Psychological Horror tag and the fact that the game straight up warns you that disturbing things will happen.

    4. @@scarabdust The term “psychological horror” can mean anything that relates to disturbing themes, but the main twist of the game is that it becomes glitchy and sentient —breaks the 4th wall—( which is what this vid shows here). I think part of the magic is that the game spends 2-3 hours being an actual (non-horror) dating sim, so when stuff started to get glitchy and messed-up, it’s really meant to take you by surprise. You first think that the dark part is the ending of your 1st playthrough, and may go to for your 2nd to avoid it from happening… and then game says NOPE and decides to not hold back anymore.

      I played the game when it was still new and only a handful of youtubers put out their first episode/s of their playthrough , so maybe it was different experience compared to now where everyone knows to some extent that DDLC is culturally accepted as a horror game.

    5. @@bananacakesmckanzee7290 We have the context of the game though, so we know what the dark glitchy stuff means when we see screenshots or screencaps. A completely new player wouldn’t really take away anything from the screencap in the video–other than, again, that the game gets dark and isn’t a normal dating sim. An actual spoiler would be like a screenshot of Sayori hanging herself or something, not something that has zero context.

  4. “I spoiled the monkey boss to myself by watching a youtube video”
    Me, not having played the game yet, watching him immediately spoil the boss for me with the background footage:

    1. I know right, I am literally playing Sekiro right now, and I had no clue that that boss even existed.

    2. I feel bad for you guys, because initially it took hours for me to even take him out, only for that to happen. Was very satisfying finally beating him though.

    3. I am currently playing hollow knight…


      Spoiler warning AFTER he showed the full goddamn map and shown things i havent gotten to yet.

      Like gee thanks bro 👌

      i will never watch any of his content again

    1. lmao you mean a game that released in 2017, dominated all of Youtube for like a year straight, and was memed to hell and back. yeah don’t want that to be spoiled for you…

    2. @@rintinrina the point was that he’s a hypocrite, at no point did they say that he spoiled it for them.

    3. ​@@rintinrina So if I haven’t played, let’s say, Portal or Persona and want to play them as blindly as possible, I’m not allowed to do it cause they weren’t released yesterday or there were too many memes about them?

      Why we can’t just agree to not spoiling anything if no one asked to, and ESPECIALLY if you are the one who’s whining about games being spoiled and thus ruined, is that too difficult to do?

  5. Going into a game completely blind is a very surreal experience. It’s really hard to do these days, especially when gaming and the internet is a prominent thing, so those few moments where you know absolutely nothing is almost magical.

    1. I simply just play old games that no one really talks about consistently anymore like final fantasy 1-10 or the original resident evil and silent hill trilogies. I got blind playthroughs for all of them and it was such an amazing experience

    2. I find this argument kind of lacking. The individual chooses to remain blind to a game or if they want to start looking into it. Its very easy to avoid something you dont want to see. KH3 was a game that i didnt want to know anything about but that was a horrible choice. I wish i had read up on it before i bought it. That game was a disappointment. Point being, i was able to avoid being informed on the game by not looking for it.

    3. grew up not that well off so i only had my own first ever playstation console like 2 years ago (i’m 24). got the ps4 pro and got some must-have games like horizon zero dawn, god of war and spider-man. i had absolutely no idea what even the general premise of the games are, but i loved every single moment playing those games. it felt like i was discovering the world, learning the skills and the history alongside the characters. the gaming experience felt more immersive and intimate.

    4. @@manray0703 You say this until you accidentally read a comment or a video titled that says “Arthur Morgan Dies”. Suddenly the end of a game is spoiled for you forever. This is true for any form of media. You don’t have to *search* for something to have it spoiled for you.

    5. @@potawatadingdong I know this sucks but the fact that you know something is going to happen in a story doesn’t mean it’s not worth getting through. Also you can make an effort to not going to videos or pages dedicated to the media you are consuming, which is the point of the video.

  6. Wow an informative video that doesnt run around in circles for 30 minutes. Straight to the point, provided examples and humor. Amazing video!

  7. I love when a community answers without spoilers though- if you were stuck in outer wilds, everyone would be very careful not to tell you where to go – they’d probably just hint at a clue the game gave you already, so you still get to figure it out – without giving up completely

    1. @Metal Sign to be fair spoiler mode is also just really fun to say for some reason, plus it’s technically more correct since it encompasses (the other spoiler)


  8. Sadly I usually don’t expect to get a game so I just watch videos on it without thinking I would actually play it, then later I get the game from like a gift or something and I had it spoiled for myself by myself, truly one of the experiences ever

    1. haha me with Hollow Knight. I watched a playthrough up until the Broken Vessel boss (those who know what happens after you beat it understand) thinking I would probably never play this game. Until I realized that I might actually love this game so I stopped watching it and played it myself. God damnit I wish I went in blind. (Hollow Knight is still my all time favorite game though)

    2. @@Melotaku same with me but I actually watched a 100% playthrough fully twice, then I realized I had Xbox game pass (which is on computer too for some reason), which had hollow knight, and I got it

    3. Deepnest isn’t too bad!! You should venture in!! When it got too creepy atmosphere wise though I would play podcasts so I would be less scared LMAO

    4. @@chenwingsee well I mean I’ve been into deepnest but I am to lazy to do it and I just don’t like the ambiance

      I’m not exactly “scared”, I just don’t like the area

    5. @@notacat6832 I actually quite like the atmosphere of deepnest. But I love dark and eerie environments in games so I’m a bit biased. I do prefer the abyss over deepnest though.

  9. I once looked up how to solve a Zelda puzzle and felt so stupid when the solution was just the one thing I hadn’t tried

    1. I once looked up how to solve a Zelda puzzle and felt so mad because the solution is way simpler than the puzzle

    2. That fucking puzzle in control… i tried for 3 hours without discovering and my cousin on the call just searched and gave me the answer… i was so mad, but happy that i passed that stupid puzzle

    3. Yeah, that tends to happen in some puzzle heavy series like portal or Zelda: every once in a while, you’ll get a puzzle that you just don’t get, and it turns out to be the simplest thing ever

  10. The only time I’ve ever looked something up in a Zelda game:
    -playing ocarina of time on N64
    -just got slingshot in first dungeon
    -couldn’t find my way out of the room because the door was on an elevated area
    -got stuck in that stupid room for 69420 years, tried everything
    -pulled out my paper tutorial booklet and found the page on this area
    -“Ohhhh I need to use the slingshot I just got to knock the ladder off of the ceiling so I can climb to the door! Now I can continue the dungeon!”
    -hit the ladder and the “you did something right” sound effect plays

    But seriously, why was the ladder on the fucking ceiling???

    1. similar experience, i get to the part where you’re high enough in the central room that you can break the spiderweb with a jump slash, but miss the center and it doesn’t break… think i might need a burning deku stick for this, get stuck on that mindset
      finally decide to look it up, i was right the first time but just failed the execution lol

  11. Counterpoint: There are tons of things that I would’ve never found in Hollow Knight if I had never searched it up. For instance, the Hive entrance is really well hidden and would take hours of searching to actually find unless you got lucky. Some people don’t want to do that and actually want to make progress 🙂

    1. this i could understand sometimes it just feels like youre missing something even though youve thought you searched every single nook and cranny

    2. Counterpoint: That doesn’t rationalize looking up guides on the internet for every shortcoming you come across because that, as he says in the video, ruins the game. Also bees roam around entrances and exits of the Hive so it’s a subtle hint.

    3. ​​@@shanerichartyeah but there’s games that straight up hide stuff so stupidly that it makes no sense
      like for example fromsoft games, there is not a single person I’ve met that found out where Nameless king, Owl father or Darklurker is without looking up a guide

      and sometimes these things are missable so you’d just be playing the game thinking yeah I’ll just keep playing till I find out then reach a certain point where it becomes unaccessible, guides for well hidden stuff like this or things like items are justifiable

      Imo, it doesn’t ruin the game at all if you’re literally missing out on the cool stuff that the game has but is locked behind a complex system

    4. @@bourne. Fair point taken, but we’re talking about games that encourage the player to search around and break things to find new areas. The only vague area to unlock is maybe Kingdom’s edge, but I haven’t met someone who missed that.

      When people encounter a single shortcoming they dash to Reddit and ask questions even though they obviously haven’t found an item or hit a lever yet. The point made in the video is that if you sacrifice going into the game blind to overcome a problem that could be easily fixed later on spoils the game. Hollow Knight is a game that literally makes you explore so when you come across one locked door or something it shouldn’t be imperative to hastily dash to a social media website and spoil your own experience for obvious answers.

    5. “Things that I would’ve never found” followed by “would take hours of searching to actually find” meaning you just invalidated your argument and called yourself lazy, getting the collector’s map helped me find the entrance so just playing enough will give you everything you need

  12. the irony of ushering people who haven’t been spoiled on those select games to play them and THEN SPOILING ACT 2 OF DDLC SECONDS LATER is crazy

    1. I have no idea what I saw, hence, not a spoiler. I did think “wtf is that???” But I still don’t know anything, so not a spoiler

  13. “These people spoil the games for themselves! Anyway, here’s me spoiling the game for you :3 “

  14. “By the way, if you haven’t been spoiled for these games, half of which I just spoiled for you by showing various snippets of late game sequences, play them!”

    Gotta love video game YouTubers.

    1. “Hey I’ll click on a video featuring a game I haven’t played and don’t want to see spoilers for. Why are there spoilers?! REEEEE”
      Gotta love video game consumers.
      If you haven’t played Hollow Knight by now, you’re probably never going to, you can’t demand the internet remain careful of spoilers forever. Btw Sephiroth kills Aerith, Snape kills Dumbledore, Samus is a woman, and the cake isn’t a lie.

    2. @@FreePigeon This is such a strange take because it’s assuming everyone has all of the time in the world to play video games and not miss out on releases, or more simply just not be in the mood to play a specific type of game at a given time. Not to mention the younger generation who is growing up and playing older video games. Ever heard of college before? A job maybe? If not, the website called indeed is rather helpful. You could use it. Might teach you a thing or two.

      The video is centered about not ruining video games and it’s ruining them by telling spoilers for the game the video is centered around. This isn’t exactly rocket science. I’m sure somewhere in that rotting husk of a skull there’s some resemblance of a brain and deep down, and I mean really deep down, you are a smart and educated individual who is capable of critical thinking and basic comprehension.

    3. @@FreePigeon chronically online jesus christ, not every single person is aware of every single new video game release because perhaps they have a life outside of the internet. fair enough that its not the internets responsibility to remain spoiler free for you at all times but its entirely possible someone has just never really heard of a video game or piece of media until much later, so the whole “if you haven’t played Hollow Knight yet you’re never going to” just isn’t true

  15. I would say a counterpoint is, if you just don’t have the time. If you’re older and work and don’t have the luxury of spending hours discovering all the secrets in a game, it’s okay to spoil yourself a little. That was one way I held myself back. I wasn’t enjoying games because I didn’t allow myself to look up some of the secrets and easter eggs that sometimes make the whole game fun. And I get a terrible feeling of missing out. It’s okay to look stuff up, play on easy mode, or get assistance if it means you enjoy the game more in the little time you have available to play it.

    1. Me and Elden Ring. Yeah I’m spoiling myself, but I just like finding everything, even if missing something is ultimately okay.

    2. As a college student, I agree. You don’t always have time for that. You are playing like for hour per day, I won’t like to spend 5 hrs on a single level. I like slow paced games but I don’t like being Stuck on a level for hours.

    3. ​@@Maskeroff. same, i have work , and i can’t sacrifice my sleep. I still enjoy every minute of the game despite being spoiled. It would still need to have a certain level of skill to finished a boss fight.

  16. I really do not understand when people say they are not spoiling anything if the game is [insert age] years old.

    1. It’s not that they’re not spoiling anything, it’s that you had enough time to play the damn game and you didn’t, getting spoiled is equally yours and the spoilers fault.

    2. @@davidreljac1707
      That assumes everyone knows every video game, movie, and TV series ever. I, myself, just discovered this video game about one week ago, so I literally did not have enough time to play the damn game. That goes for everything.

    3. @@piadas804 Yeah, but the rule of “Nobody cares, it’s been [Blank amount] years already” is still something people apply to all sorts of media. By your logic, Shakespeare’s works have been spoiled to everyone, since everyone knows how Romeo and Juliet. But guess what? Nobody cares, it’s been 430 years already!

    4. @@davidreljac1707
      “Nobody” cares because Shakespeare’s works are not popular nowadays. Some video games, movies, and TV series are extremely popular, and people actually care for their plot.

    5. @@piadas804 If popularity is your measure of what should and shouldn’t be spoiled, then A LOT of entertainmento media can be freely spoiled to anyone (This includes things that are not old but haven’t garnered much popularity). Besides, measuring purely on popularity is very flawed, as it assumes everyone everywhere shares the same awareness of the popularity of a specific topic, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

  17. Every time I look up something in a video game, I end up upset at myself for spoiling myself from figuring it out blind and I’ve ruined my experience.

    Every time I stick to it until I solve it on my own, I end up upset at myself for not caving and looking it up sooner, because the solution wasn’t satisfying, and I feel like I’ve wasted my time and I’ve ruined my experience.

    Life sucks.

    1. why do you rest the blame on yourself regardless of what you did to solve a problem and try to enjoy a game?

    2. ​@@driftingdruid Yeah if I give a puzzle 20 to 30 minutes and get nothing i’ll just look it up. I can’t imagine myself beating Grim Fandango without this

    3. Personally I don’t enjoy puzzles so I look everything up as soon as it’s not instantly obvious, i like gameplay not figuring things out that will waste my time and still not give me any satisfaction. Everyone is different right, I don’t think there is a correct way to play anything just whatever makes you happy

    4. Get a friend/girlfriend and have them look it up for u and guide u. If u don’t have one . . . sorry?

    5. @@tomn1568 personally I avoid metroidvanias because you’re just running back to the same places again and again. I prefer much more linear stories that are properly compressed

  18. Actually some puzzles are so frustrating that after finally finding the solution my reaction is “welp, this was dumb”.

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